Chosen (The Lost Books, Book 1) by Ted Dekker

Hordes of scabs threaten the remnant of a once beautiful world. Holed up in seven small forests, the Forest Guard must...

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By Darkness Hid (Blood of Kings Series) By Jill Williamson

Achan, a 16-year-old stray, slaves for Prince Gidon and the evil Lord Nathak until Sir Gavin enlists Achan as his...

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If We Survive by Andrew Klavan

Will, a High school sophomore and an unlikely hero, flies with Pastor Ron and three other students into a poverty...

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A Plague of Unicorns By Jane Yolen

Cranford Abbey stands in need of revenue, and nine-year-old James may just hold the key to remedy the plague of...

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The Lost Medallion (The Adventures of Billy Stone) By Bill Muir and Alex Kendrick

A Polynesian king forges his crown into a medallion blessed by the One who uses it to protect the people of Aumakua...

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