Looking for Home (Beyond the Orphan Train, Book 1) by Arleta Richardson

Ethan Cooper has a lot on his plate for an eight-year-old. Ma is dead, dad gone who knows where, and Ethan has his...

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Because…Vengeance (Because Mysteries) by Diana Sharples

Newbie high school senior, Noah Dickerson, is suffering from a concussion and broken ribs following a scrape with some...

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Secrets: Visible & Invisible by Corinna Turner, Cynthia Toney, Theresa Linden, Susan Peek, T.M. Gaquette, Carolyn Astfalk, & Leslea Wahl

This book features seven short stories—one dystopian, three contemporaries, two mysteries and one historical. All of...

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On the Loose (A Katie Parker Production Act II) by Jenny B. Jones

With her mother in jail, Katie Parker lands in the small town of in between via the Texas Foster Care System. There...

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Eye of the Storm: The First Token (Time Game Series) by D.A. Featherling

12-year-old twins Marko and Sami discover a strange looking board game in Great-Uncle Henry’s attic. While wrestling...

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