Warrior (The Eli Diaries, Book 11) by Tim Shoemaker

Warrior (The Eli Diaries, Book 11) by Tim Shoemaker

  • Spirituality - High
  • Romance - Some
  • Violence - Moderate

In an alternative universe, the Messiah appears in a modern-day California high school. Warrior continues the adventures of Peter. A beast on the football field, Peter is a blue-chip prospect for a full college scholarship at linebacker. However, on the academic side not so much. Caring friends have his back off the field, but a jealous conniver lures him into a scheme that could cost him everything. Will he succumb to temptation or listen to the voice of reason?

In Warrior, book 11 of The Eli Diaries, Tim Shoemaker explores some nuances of high school peer pressure such as the threat of loss, ego-stroking, subtle ridicule and marshaling support to tempt Peter into doing something stupid. There was nice character interaction between Peter, Jude, Eli, Maggie, and the other characters created by an all-star group of authors. This 63-page novelette is a fun and quick read for students.

Age Range: 12 and up

Genre: Speculative

Series: The Eli Diaries, Book 11

Amaris Media, 2018

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