Tinker (RoboTales #1) by Jill Williamson and Luke Williamson

Tinker (RoboTales #1) by Jill Williamson and Luke Williamson

  • Spirituality - Basic
  • Romance - None
  • Violence - Some

While living on the desert planet of Kitz, Tinker’s father dies, and his Uncle Noctis swoops in and takes over the family repair shop, relegating Tinker to a small loft above the repair bay. Cinderella style, Noctis pulls Tinker from school and forces him to work long hours in the shop while he in his two bullying sons, Grezzer and Ratch, take it easy. Tinker feels friendless except for ROBO, the broken robot dog he found in the desert. Still Tinker dreams of attending the Invention Institute like his dad. When the Recycle Race is announced, Tinker has an opportunity to obtain a full scholarship by winning the competition. But will Tinker’s mean cousins and greedy uncle allow him to claim the prize?

Jill Williamson provides an easy read boy’s tale for the younger readers. With help from her son, Luke, and many young illustrators, Tinker (Robotales Book 1) provides a great read with a positive message.

Age Range: 8-11 

Genre: Science Fiction
Series: Book 1 of  RoboTales series
Novel Kids Press, 2015
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