This Property is Condemned (Sam Cooper Adventure Series #4) by Max Elliot Anderson

This Property is Condemned (Sam Cooper Adventure Series #4) by Max Elliot Anderson

  • Spirituality - Moderate
  • Romance - None
  • Violence - Some

When his bike brakes fail, Sam Cooper literally runs into a crumbling old mansion. But instead of ghosts, a sweet little old lady occupies this mansion. Sam discovers that conniving men want the property condemned for their own greedy purposes and will stop at nothing to make that happen. Sam decides to do something about it.

Middle school hero, Sam Cooper, once again comes to the rescue of the disadvantaged. With the help of his two sidekicks, He turns the town of Harbor Inlet upside down. This title has good tension but not too intense for the younger middle grade readers. The virtues of courage, perseverance and humility are well taught. The prose are a little adult sounding at times but it’s a solid low-key story for the younger readers.

Age Range: 8-12

Genre: Action Adventure

Series: Sam Cooper Adventure Series, Book 4 of 6

Elk Lake Publishing, 2016

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