The New Recruit – Mission 1: Moscow (The Mission League, Book One) by Jill Williamson

The New Recruit – Mission 1: Moscow (The Mission League, Book One) by Jill Williamson

  • Spirituality - High
  • Romance - Some
  • Violence - Moderate

Basketball star wannabe, Spencer Garman, is barely a blip on the radar at 15. But he’s got talent and big dreams until he sidetracked by the Mission League. With a little arm twisting the Mission League sends Spence into summer training in Moscow. There, the strange dreams he’s been having come to life and he must learn to trust his new Christian friends and ultimately God to deliver him from a nefarious plot of the Russian mafia.

The New Recruit presents interesting reading which explores faith, spiritual gifts and especially dreams and visions. The plot is well-paced with interesting characters, good humor, suspense and not too churchy.

Age Range: 11 and up

Genre: Action Adventure/Mystery

Series: The Mission League, Book 1 of 5

Enclave Publishing, 2018

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