The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien

The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien

  • Spirituality -- Baasic
  • Romance -- None
  • Violence -- Moderate

Bilbo Baggins is whisked away from his quiet home by the insistent wizard, Gandalf, on an adventure with his thirteen dwarvish friends led by the down-on-his-luck king Thorin Oakenshield. The quest evolves in ever escalating episodes of conflict with Trolls, goblins, wargs (wolves), the mysterious Gollum, and finally the dreaded dragon Smaug. Bilbo develops from a rather average sedentary hobbit, into a courageous hero who outwits goblins and elves alike. He eventually even challenges Smaug, and exhibits extraordinary character and wisdom while negotiating between the allies in the battle of the five armies.

In The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien produces epic, classic fantasy at its best. He develops an astonishing fantasy world, the prototype of so many that have followed, interesting characters, and a driving plot, all laced with his characteristic humor. And yet the simple writing style facilitates a story that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.

Interestingly, Tolkien’s Christian worldview is subtle but foundational, with wizards and elves representing angels with supernatural powers, while Sauron, goblins and other nasties represent the demonic realm. In between are men, hobbits, dwarves, and other sentient beings whom the evil powers constantly try to corrupt and destroy. Although Tolkien never mentions God, he does mention the “One who created it all” in one of the sequels. A classic for everyone.

Age Range 8-18

Genre: Fantasy

Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt 1937

Available: Amazon,, also ask for this title at your local library

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