The Blue Door (Threshold Series Book One) By Christa Kinde

The Blue Door (Threshold Series Book One) By Christa Kinde

  • Spirituality -- High
  • Romance -- Some
  • Violence -- Moderate

Fourteen-year-old Priscilla Pomeroy discovers a strange young boy lurking about her family farm one day, but soon discerns that Koji is an angel who is just as surprised that Prissy can see him. For some unknown reason, God gives Prissy in ever widening door into the spirit realm. When the mailman and bookstore owner, whom she’s known for years, are also revealed as angels, she fights off a meltdown. Although she’s seen no demons or spiritual battle yet, her new angelic friends warn her that something big and bad must be on the way. Will she be prepared?

The author Christa Kinde has an excellent grasp of angels, and has created an imaginative story world as she progressively reveals angelic beings, ranks, orders and God’s purposes for them. The story includes interesting interplay between a young believing teenage girl, and the flight of angels protecting her town, including eventually her own guardian angel. Although the writing style facilitates ease of reading, it sacrifices depth of characters, and for some readers the plot may move too slowly. However The Blue Door is a good read for the younger crowd with stimulating discussion questions.

Age Range: 8-11

Genre: Fantasy, Speculative

Series: Book 1 of 4 The Threshold Series

Zondervan 2012

Available: Amazon, Also ask for this title at your local library

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