See No Evil (Rustic Knoll Bible Camp, Book Three) by Mary L. Hamilton

See No Evil (Rustic Knoll Bible Camp, Book Three) by Mary L. Hamilton

  • Spirituality - High
  • Romance - Some
  • Violence - Some

Stephen Miller has a lot on his mind; his upcoming senior year of high school, a three-year old load of guilt, and a visual impairment that won’t go away. With a week at Rustic Knoll Bible Camp, he’ll reconnect with old friends, especially Claire, maybe recruit a triathlon partner and hopefully regain his bearings. He recruits his old pal, Dylan for the triathlon, and they begin training using a tandem bike and a tether. By finishing the race, he’ll prove to everyone he can overcome his visual impairment and in some way atone for the part he thinks he played in his father’s death. But obstacles mount. His feelings for Claire take him sideways, and he has a dirty little secret he is unwilling to share.

See No Evil provides an interesting glimpse of the struggles of a teenage boy coping with blindness. Typical of Mary Hamilton, powerful spiritual lessons are woven into the story. She doesn’t shy away from the pervasive issue of pornography, and the discussion questions at the end of the book are excellent.

Age Range: 11 and up
Genre:  Contemporary
Series: Book 3 Rustic Knoll Bible Camp series
HopeSprings, 2015
Available: Amazon.  Also ask for this title at your local library and Christian book store.


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