River Rampage by Max Elliot Anderson

River Rampage by Max Elliot Anderson

  • Spirituality - Moderate
  • Romance - None
  • Violence - Some

After their raft is destroyed by Colorado River rapids, twelve-year-old Sam Cooper and his friends, Tyler and Tony, are stranded in a remote section of Utah. With boy-scout like skill and courage, the trio save some provisions, set up camp and await rescue. However, rescue is slow in coming. While exploring alternative ways out of the wilderness, the boys come upon an old prospector (Gus) who is being terrorized by an outlaw motorcycle gang. The prospector leads the boys to his secret mine and confides he’s made a gold strike. However, the motorcycle gang threatens to steal the old prospector’s gold and jump his claim. Sam and his friends agree to help Gus and employing everything boyish, devise a plan to escape from the criminals that includes sugar in their gas tanks, a series of traps and construction of a homemade raft. A running battle and escape attempt ensues.

River Rampage provides action, adventure and suspense that kept me reading and should keep boys reading as well. I particularly like the way the Max Anderson captures clever, boyish thinking and foibles as well as providing great descriptions of an amazing setting. The subtle spiritual component and world view should encourage readers without overpowering them. The easy readability makes this book perfect for boys aged eight to twelve. I give it five stars.

Age Range: 8 – 11

Genre: Action adventure

Port Yonder Press LLC 2012

Series: Sam Cooper Adventure

Available: Amazon Also ask for this book at your local library

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