Koala Beach Outbreak (The Adventures Down Under, Book 7) by Robert Elmer

Koala Beach Outbreak (The Adventures Down Under, Book 7) by Robert Elmer

  • Spirituality - High
  • Romance - None
  • Violence - Some

When a schooner shipwrecks on Koala Beach, 13-year-old Patrick rescues Jasper, a Chinese immigrant about his own age. But in 1855 the white Australian population was suspicious of the Chinese and the possible plagues they may bring into the country. When local ruffians try to oust the Chinese survivors, Jasper falls sick, and Patrick and the McWaid family take Jasper aboard their river paddle boat for safety. Plots abound, and Jasper is definitely hiding something. Patrick wants to help, but soon he too falls sick just when trouble really hits the fan.

Koala Beach Outbreak is a nice historical action adventure for the younger readers with just enough tension and mystery to keep the plot clipping forward. The characters face issues of cross-cultural friendships, prejudices, honesty, bravery and faith in a smooth style that facilitates readability. The story also provides an interesting slice of Australian culture and history.

Age Range: 8-12

Genre: Historical Action Adventure

Series: The Adventures Down Under, Book 7 of 8

Robert Elmer, 2012

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