Hear No Evil, Rustic Knoll Bible Camp Series Book One By Mary Hamilton

Hear No Evil, Rustic Knoll Bible Camp Series Book One By Mary Hamilton

  • Spirituality - High
  • Romance - Some
  • Violence - Some

Brady McCaul’s father deserted him at age seven, but through the loss, he and Mom grew close—that is until another man came into Mom’s life. Now six years later everything has changed. Mom drops Brady off at a summer Bible camp and tells him not to return home. Brady is devastated. Caring kids, Steven and Claire, include him in their activities, but another kid takes every opportunity to bully the newbie. Brady broods over his isolation, rejection and fear. The bullying comes to a climax and Brady learns through the process, however another darker struggle takes root as an unexpected reason for his Mom’s behavior emerges in his mind. The emotional angst builds throughout and comes to a surprising climax that will keep readers turning the pages.

This book is the story of how Brady overcomes rejection, isolation, despair and the bad decisions of the adults in his life—alcoholism, divorce and abuse—to find an everlasting relationship, reconciliation and real friends who care. Mary Hamilton naturally weaves in the excitement of summer camp with the winsome advice of Christian mentors that was amazing.

Age Range: 8 and up

Genre: Contemporary

Hopespring 2013

Available: Amazon,  Christianbook.com  Also ask for this book at your local library

One Comment

  1. Thanks for reviewing this, Glenn. Much appreciated!

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