Captured (A White Road Tale, Novella One) by Jackie Castle

Captured (A White Road Tale, Novella One) by Jackie Castle

  • Spirituality -- Basic
  • Romance -- Dating
  • Violence -- Moderate

The sinister King Darnel’s raiders capture seventeen-year-old Tarek and his family and force them into labor in the bleak fortress city of Racah. There, biding their time, they await an opportunity to escape. However, full bellies, decent work and a father who likes the taverns, dampens the family’s burning flame for freedom. The king’s minions draft Tarek into service as a Hunter even as he meets the mysterious princess of the castle. Circumstances command Tarek to help Princess, and in the process, the beauty captures Tarek’s heart even though it may cost him everything when the king finds them out.

In Captured, Jackie Castle introduces the character Tarek, the young hunter, who helped Princess make her initial escape from Racah in The White Road Chronicles. Fast-paced, and well-written, entirely from the young hunters point of view, Castle deepens his character and reveals the development of his reluctant love for the heroine. Although the spirituality in this novella is basic, it provides a compelling romantic lead in to the spiritually powerful allegory that is The White Road Chronicles.

This novella is only currently available in e-book format from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Age Range: 10 and up

Genre: Fantasy – Romance

Series: Book 1 of 3 of A White Road Tale

2014  Jackie Castle

Available: Amazon and Barnes and Noble. This book is only available in electronic format

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