Because…Anonymous (Because… Mysteries, Book 1) by Diana L. Sharples

Because…Anonymous (Because… Mysteries, Book 1) by Diana L. Sharples

  • Spirituality - Moderate
  • Romance - Some
  • Violence - Moderate

Noah Dickerson just wants an ordinary high school year hanging with his friends. But when his father’s abuse finally redlines, he and his mother take to the road and hide out in Middleboro. Noah tries to lay low in Middleboro High School, but the beautiful Mia Park captures his attention. He gets stupid when it comes to girls, and when a mysterious note passer threatens her, Noah is sucked into I-wanna-be-a-hero-and-save-the-damsel-in-distress mode. Things go from bad to worse as he becomes entangled in a murder mystery even while he is cast as the new school stalker. Things turn deadly, and Noah isn’t sure who he can trust.

Because…Anonymous is an entertaining mystery with an interesting protagonist. The high school dialog is sharp, the plot intense and the mystery captivating. The nuances of the male characters point of view and the portrayal of the abusive family relationships were particularly well done. And the hint of romance keeps the reader’s interest. This title is the first of a contemporary YA mystery series that I am looking forward to reading.

Age Range: 12 and up

Genre: Mystery

Series: Because…Mysteries, Book 1 of 3

Diana L. Sharples, 2018

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