10 Steps to Girlfriend Status, (Bird Face Series, Book 2) by Cynthia T. Toney

10 Steps to Girlfriend Status, (Bird Face Series, Book 2) by Cynthia T. Toney

  • Spirituality - Moderate
  • Romance - Dating
  • Violence - None

Wendy Robichaud steps into ninth grade with two girlfriends and the eye of a baseball-playing-hunk at LaMoyne High School. Now mom is marrying her best friend’s dad and life is looking good. However, as Wendy ticks off her 10 steps to girlfriend status, her friendships with Gayle and Alice suffer. And when another boy enters the scene and grabs her attention, Wendy discovers that romantic relationships are more complicated than she’d thought.

Cynthia Toney does a masterful job of delving into a young teen’s first crush. Girls will find the relational issues entertaining and educational, and sleuthing out an ancestral scandal kept the plot moving forward. In Bird Face Book 1, Wendy overcame wicked bullying, isolation, and parental divorce with courage and humor. In Bird Face Book 2, she applies the same humor and courage to the next set of young teen issues. And faith and common sense win out in the end.

Age Range: 10 and up
Genre: Contemporary, Humor, Romance
Series: Book 2 Bird Face series
Write Integrity Press, 2015
Available: Amazon.  Also ask for this title at your local library and Christian book store.

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