A Season of Miracles by Rusty Whitener

A Season of Miracles by Rusty Whitener

  • Spirituality - High
  • Romance - Some
  • Violence - Some

In 1971, Little League was everything to 12 year-old Zach Ross. When he and his friend Donnie notice their special needs classmate, Rafer, watching them practice, they decide to give the boy a chance to participate. They are astonished to discover that what Rafer lacks in speech capacity he makes up for in raw batting and baseball power. They recruit Rafer to join their team and with his help the Little League championship seems within reach. Then tragedy strikes, and Zach, Donnie, Rafer, their parents and their community must find a way to navigate turbulent times and circumstances.

Set during the Vietnam War, A Season of Miracles is a tremendous story of friendship forgiveness and grace. Whitener brings the joy of life, first crushes and coming of age that makes this time of life magical. The action and humor were well balanced, and the spiritual component exceptional. And, there was that added historical element of nostalgia for those of us who were alive during that turbulent period of American history.

Age Range: 8 and up 

Genre: Historical, Coming of Age

Kregel Publications, 2010

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