One Realm Beyond (Book One of the Realm Walkers Trilogy) By Donita K. Paul

One Realm Beyond (Book One of the Realm Walkers Trilogy) By Donita K. Paul

  • Spirituality -- High
  • Romance -- Some
  • Violence -- Moderate

The Creator, Primen has gifted Cantor D’Ahma with the ability to both see and summon portals to other worlds. After he proves his allegiance to Primen, Cantor’s first task is to find a dragon who will be his constant companion as they pursue justice, balance and peace among the various realms. Cantor meets Bridger, a mor dragon, and is surprised by Bixby a four foot tall pixie of a girl who is also a novice realm walker with extraordinary powers. Together, with the help of the mysterious Dukmee, they free slaves conscripted by an evil king in the realm of Effram. The two realm walkers then continue their journey to Gilead and the Realm Walker’s Guild where they will receive formal training. But upon arrival, they discover corrupt realm walkers plotting to murder most of the ninety-nine person guild. Mustering all of their skills and testing their allies, they try to thwart the plot. But will it be too little too late?

Donita K. Paul creates a complex and interesting fantasy story world in One Realm Beyond. The loose allegory contains excellent spiritual principles, limited violence and just a hint of romance. Although the story opens from the hero, Cantor’s point of view, the heroine, Bixby steals the show. In addition, despite the character on the cover, the characterizations, pacing and distinctiveness decidedly tip One Realm Beyond toward a feminine audience.

Age Range: 11 and up

Genre: Fantasy

Zondervan 2014

Series: Book One of the Realm Walkers Trilogy

Available: Amazon,, Also ask for this title at your local library

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