Huntress (Life After, Book 1) by Julie Hall

Huntress (Life After, Book 1) by Julie Hall

  • Spirituality - High
  • Romance - Some
  • Violence - Moderate

Following a horrific accident, Audrey awakens into the afterlife where many surprises and challenges await. After being welcomed by an Aslan-like man named Joe, she discovers that she has been assigned the task of demon hunting. She joins a group of fighters, mostly strong, handsome young men, for training. But her assigned mentor, Logan, remains distant and somehow disappointed with her. With her memory erased, she struggles to discover why she’s now a warrior and what she has to do with the Cherubim Sword.

The Huntress provides imaginative world-building that both stimulates and challenges our thoughts of heaven and the afterlife. Written from a Christian worldview, this speculative novel takes some liberties with traditional views of heaven to create an excellent story that entertains, informs and challenges believers to deeper thought.

Age Range: 12 and up

Genre: Speculative

Series: Life After, Book 1 of 3

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