AJ’s Ireland: A Wee Little Comedy by Renee Riva

AJ’s Ireland: A Wee Little Comedy by Renee Riva

  • Spirituality - Moderate
  • Romance - None
  • Violence - Negligible

Using some imagination and a flair for costumes, AJ wins a free trip to Ireland for her family of seven. The only problem is that none of her siblings, including her older sister, Adriana, are interested in the trip. So, AJ calls upon her gift of gab to bring adventure into every sight they see on their tour to the Irish castle at Blarney Beag.

AJ’s Ireland features a nicely crafted spitfire of a nine-year-old as the lead character. The interesting characters and humor keep this story flowing even though it’s more of a tour than a tale. Good, clean humor and pranks make a fun read for the younger audience.

Age Range: 8-14

Genre: Humor, Historical

Series: Prequel to Saving Sailor

Bella Italia Publishing, 2015

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